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Customized Launch Programs

Locker 81 Fundraising Solutions and Sorenson Technology are committed to aid in the marketing efforts of your organization with a customized "grassroots" marketing strategy. This strategy would include some or all of the following:


  • Customized Marketing Websites - Featuring a video tour and explanation of the program, this website provides all of the vital information that a cardholder would need to know. The web pages are customized with your organization's name and logo placed in the header, graphics and text of each page. The website also contains a "Cardholder Login" button where assocaties can go to monitor their account balance, activity and purchases made with the card online. 


  • Print Collateral - Such as marketing slicks, teaser cards, and brochures.


  • Marketing Slicks - A simple half-page printed advertisement of the advantages related to the Smart Giving GPR Card and Organization's Program.


  • Teaser Cards - A two-sided, business-sized card that can be handed out that directs potential cardholders to the customized website for their organization.


  • Group Sales Events and Convention Presentations - Locker 81 Fundraising Solutions can make available a Marketing and Sales Executive to present the Smart Giving CPR Program at Regional and Annual company conventions or sales events.


  • Webinars - Locker 81 Fundraising Solutions can make scheduled online presentations for your company to explain the details and opportunities that the Smart Giving GPR Program will make available to potential cardholders within your company or oganization.


Robust Marketing Campaigns


Personalize your emails

Make it personal by inserting your subscribers name or a product they purchased.


Inbox Preview - See your emails before you send

See screenshots of your email in over 20 different clients before you send your campaign.


Build re-usable templates

With a few simple tags you can turn any HTML page into a re-usable email template.


A/B Split testing

Easily test two variations of your email campaigns, then send the best performer!


Spam Testing

We'll run your campaign through popular spam filters at the desktop, server and firewall level before you send it.


We automatically move your CSS inline

We'll automatically move all your CSS inline for the best results in email clients like Gmail and Outlook.


Autoresponders and drip campaigns

Autoresponders make it easy to stay in touch with your subscribers without lifting a finger. Quickly build and schedule automated welcome messages, birthday greetings and other date-based campaigns. Send single emails or a sequence over time.

  • When a subscriber joins your list

  • The anniversary of a custom field

  • An exact date


We'll archive all your sent campaigns, free!

Add a line of code to your site for a full archive that automatically updates.

RSS to Email

Sending monthly blog updates or looking for a way to integrate your website content into your newsletters? Schedule delivery every time you update your RSS-enabled website.


Top notch deliverability

Authentication, relationships with ISPs, industry-leading mail servers and more ensure your emails are delivered.


Send in any time zone

Take full control over when your subscribers will receive your campaigns.


Secure and smart

You can rest safe in the knowledge that we take security and deliverability extremely seriously. With redundancy at every layer of our application, you're protected against any type of hardware failure.


DomainKeys and Sender ID

Improve your deliverability with email authentication - which will give your campaigns the best possible chance of reaching the inbox.


ISP feedback loop integration

We're integrated into the feedback loop of ISP's like Yahoo, and AOL. So if a subscriber marks you as spam, we'll remove them from your list automatically.


Lightning-fast CDN

We host all your email images on our own servers for free. What's more, they're delivered via our super-speedy worldwide content delivery network!


Transparent Analytics & Tracking



Experience a whole new way of meeting your subscribers. Every time you send a campaign, we'll show you who is opening it, clicking links, forwarding it to their friends, liking it on Facebook or mentioning it on Twitter. All this is shown on a map, in real-time, all wrapped in a gorgeous UI.


Powerful Reports

Track the opens, clicks, forwards, unsubscribes, bounces and so much more.


Clicks and opens

In addition to showing you exactly who opens your campaign, you can instantly see how your design is performing with click overlays. See which links are being clicked, and spot trends to see what's working!


Compare your campaigns

Spot trends by comparing opens, clicks and more for multiple campaigns at once.


Integrate Google Analytics with your campaigns

Automatically track your campaign related sales and conversions in Google Analytics.


Track conversions and ROI

Our suite of in-depth reports allow you to see exactly how well your email campaigns are performing - and even export the results to Excel.


Client access to all reports

Let your clients access the reports on any campaigns you send for them.


Spam complaint reports

Integration with Yahoo!, and more mean we can report on any spam complaints your subscribers make.


Export to Excel

Easily export all reporting data to Excel for offline storage or further analysis.


See what email clients your subscribers are using

Our email client report takes the guesswork out of which email clients your subscribers are using. We'll show you a full breakdown, saving you time and frustration with design and spam testing. 


Real-time reporting on your iPhone

Monitor is our beautiful iPhone app that lets you see who's joining your lists as it happens, watch your campaigns live with Worldview and add new subscribers when you're on the go.


Unsubscribes and bounces

See who unsubscribed, and whose emails got bounced. We'll automatically take care of the rest - either by removing an unsubscribed person from your list, or by re-sending your email if it bounced.

For Individuals
Individual Sign In
Purchase Your Smart Giving Card
Activate Your Smart Giving Card
For Organizations
Organization Program Registration
Organization Sign In

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