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The Tim Brown Foundation



Founded in 1999, the mission of the Tim Brown Foundation is to strengthen the moral fiber and character of America’s youth through programs, teaching, and opportunities which stress academic achievement, physical and mental conditioning, and positive interaction with others of all faiths, color, age and gender. Positive family ties are stressed, along with the notion that respect for others is a fundamental tenet of citizenship.




The Tim Brown Foundation’s mission is accomplished by providing at risk kids and low to moderate income families with:


  • Activities and practical experiences

  • Computer skills, academic enrichment, music, arts, and crafts § Personal finance, entrepreneurship, and consumer savvy

  • Scholarships


Providing the basic skills and understanding needed to successfully grow and move upward in mainstream America, we pride ourselves on enhancing young America's experiences with important fundamentals..


The Foundation realizes that it cannot replace a strong family unit where one doesnot exist, nor can it replace a thorough and efficient education. However, the foundation seeksto fill voids where needed; enhancing training and education where deficient; provide opportunity where it otherwise may not exist.


Young people are facing challenges today that were not imagined ten years ago. Peer pressure, academic challenges, social problems, obesity, and lack of positive role models are just a few of the mountains our young people have to climb daily. In order for them to overcome these obstacles, they need the tools, guidance, and the Tim Brown Foundations to act as a catalyst for young people to learn the proper methods of dealing with these obstacles.

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