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Smart Giving for Churches And Ministries

A FREE Funding Mechanism For Ministries That Doesn't Interrupt The Normal Giving Patterns Of A Church or Ministry.


     For most churches and ministries to survive financially, they must be in a continual fundraising mode. Either ministry partners are courted for their discretionary dollars, or huge amounts of time and resources are spend each year with mailings, stewardship programs, or fundraising dinners.


     These programs have their benefits, yet the continual cycle of events that take time away from the ministry aspect of your ministry organization can take its toll. 


     But what if the normal one-time financial gift could turn into thousands of dollars every month from your ministry without the usual taxing efforts for the short-term funding fix? 


     Locker 81 Fundraising Solutions provides a solution with their Smart Giving Programs for ministries that allow donors to continually give to their church or ministry even when they themselves are facing financial difficulties. 

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