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Smart Giving Cards are a great fundraising tool for K-12 Schools and Colleges/Universities. Get started today with your institution for free.
Smart Giving for Schools and Colleges.

A FREE Funding Mechanism For Schools and Colleges.


     As a school or college administrator, you face many funding challenges. The need for updated computers, sports and playground equipment are continual and great. And so you ask your PTA or Former Students Association to sponsor a fundraiser. Cookie dough, ticket books, christmas wrap and popcorn offer a lot of work with some-to-moderate returns for the amount of time and energy that everyone was willing to put in. 


     But what if there was a fundraiser that could generate thousands of dollars every month for your school or college without all the hassle and hard work? And these thousands of dollars wouldn't just be for one or two months, but every month, even Summer Months. What kind of fundraiser could do that? Locker 81 Fundraising Solutions provides their solution with the Smart Giving Program for Schools and Colleges.

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